
I’ve had the privilege to host, announce, be a guest on and create podcasts throughout the years. Feel free to browse some of the entertainment!

The SabreCast - The school sanctioned video and audio podcast used to disseminate information to parents, students, faculty and staff. But this isn’t your typical podcast. Co-host Rob and I bring our own talk show spin to this educational information. First and last episodes, followed by buttons for all of them inbetween.

One School Podcast - The podcast I created during the dark days of Covid, where I spoke with teachers about their funny experiences at school. I interviewed chefs, artists, musicians, college professors and more. What happens at school…

McNeill & Friends Podcast - McNeill Mullikin’s debut podcast where he discussed a myriad of movies across all genres. Over 100 episodes strong, I was priviledged to guest star in enough that I became a regular. Loads of content and topics from music, to directors, to genre specific top tens. Give this a listen.

25 Cent Film - A podcast created by movie buff McNeill Mullikin. Extremely knowledgeable about media and movie trends, McNeill invites what he calls “couch chair critics” to talk about their favorite films in the 2000s.